Surgical Training & Clinical Education

Urogynecology & Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery Fellowship


Fellows will divide their time between two primary sites: Northbrook and Hyde Park.

  • The Hyde Park campus houses a long-standing state-of-the-art clinic and over 30 operating rooms, ICUs, recovery rooms, blood banks, diagnostic imaging and laboratory services. There is dedicated OR staff for all URPS procedures. 
  • In Northbrook, our outpatient facility is a brand-new, state-of-the art space with shared space for URPS, MIGS and gastroenterology clinics. During URPS clinical sessions, all nurses and clinic rooms will be dedicated to the URPS faculty and fellows to facilitate patient care and recruitment to on-going clinical research studies.

Both sites have specialized equipment to perform evaluations of women with pelvic floor disorders, including multichannel urodynamic systems and a pelvic floor ultrasound with 3-D capabilities. We also have numerous endoscopy carts with teaching cameras.

The URPS fellowship at the University of Chicago offers a comprehensive surgical training utilizing all surgical approaches including: 

  • Vaginal
  • vNOTES
  • Abdominal 
  • Conventional laparoscopy
  • Robot-assisted laparoscopy
  • Single-port robot

Fellows are regularly exposed to complex multidisciplinary cases involving gynecologic oncology, colorectal surgery, and urology.

In addition to real-time surgical practice, the fellowship program also provides the fellows with numerous learning and research opportunities in surgical simulation training. Our fellows have access to a well-equipped simulation lab, which is available 24/7, allowing them to practice and refine their surgical techniques. We organize an annual multi-institutional simulation day for URPS fellows, where they can collaborate with fellows from other institutions and exchange knowledge and experiences.

Additionally, cadaver labs are organized to offer fellows the chance to deepen their understanding of anatomy and actively participate in teaching OB/Gyn residents and medical students. Under the leadership of Dr. Letko, who is the Director of Surgical Simulation for the residency program, we are actively developing the utilization of virtual reality (VR) in surgical training, providing an innovative and immersive learning experience for our residents and fellows. If interested, fellows will have an opportunity to engage in the development of this technology and curriculum.

We are committed to staying at the forefront of surgical education. These diverse opportunities contribute to the fellows' surgical expertise, research skills, and teaching abilities, preparing them to excel as academic leaders in the field of Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery.

From a clinical and surgical standpoint, the fellowship will stand on the principle of progressive authority and responsibility in the total care of the patient. As the fellow displays increased medical knowledge, teaching techniques, and skill mastery, the amount of independent activity is increased, as is appropriate for their level of skill while under the direct supervision of a faculty member. Educational objectives of the fellowship are individualized based on the PGY level.